Frequently Asked Questions

  What is supervised visitation?       

When the court orders a monitor to be with the parent when they are spending time with their children.  Court ordered supervised visitation may be necessary when a parent is verbally or physically abusive or when there is concern about the parent taking the child against court orders. Mental illness, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse are often precursors to this kind of behavior.  Supervised visitation rights are often granted when the courts fear the potential actions of the non-custodial parent and want to provide for the safety and security of the child.

Where does the supervised visitation take place?

Having supervised visitation simply means the non-custodial parent is supervised or monitored by a neutral 3rd party provider while visiting with their child. In most cases, the visiting parent goes to a designated location where the monitor is located, such as a professional office. As the monitor feels more comfortable with the parent’s behavior, the sessions can be moved to a park or other pleasant location in which the parent can interact with the child. In some cases, the judge decides who the monitor will be and where the meetings are to take place.

What is child safe exchange?

This is when the monitor meets and stays with the child / children so neither parent is able to interact with the other parent during drop off / pick up times. This allows safe visits to occur on both sides to maintain the parent - child relationship without altercation. It is also a means to reduce possible anxiety from the children if there is a potential of incurring a hostile environment. This may be necessary in cases of domestic violence, parent preference due to past trauma, or mandatory court order.

What are parenting education classes?

These classes offer parents and caregivers coping skills to assist children with everyday childhood issues. We explore alternative means of correcting behaviors and study the benefits of rewarding positive behavior. Recommendations are provided for wholesome activities to engage the family, and encourage them to unite together as a team!

What are the benefits of taking parenting education classes?

We are able to advocate for children / students experiencing difficulties at school and home. We partner with school districts to provide input in IEP (individual education plan) and walk through the process with parents as they meet with the schools and / or medical team in cases of diagnosing needs. We are an added resource for parents or guardians to help develop their family team. 

Do you provide services online or in person?

There are unique occasions where supervised monitoring services and parent education classes may be conducted online. Approvals for online services might include having a contagious illness, parents residing in another state, or where extensive travel may be involved. Keep in mind, court orders may approve or deny online services. 

What are the rates of your services?

Total cost will be discussed during the intake process. Our professional service fees range from $50 - $120 per hour depending upon the service requested, number of children, and the number of providers required during the service delivery.  Travel fees may be assessed if providers are asked to travel outside of our delivery areas. 

Who pays for the services?

In most cases, the parent who is required to be supervised is responsible for the visitation monitoring services. Both parents typically pay for the parenting classes or child safe exchange services. In some divorce cases, the judge will determine who pays. In other cases, if the custodial parent has a much higher income level and the non-custodial parent is financially strapped, the custodial parent may be asked to pay.

How do I get the court order for services removed?

People make mistakes but that does not have to define them. Supervised visitation, child safe exchange, and parenting classes can be removed when the court deems the children are safe. To start, it’s important to always show up on time and to give plenty of notice if you need to cancel or change dates. Always be on your best behavior and watch your language and actions towards your child. Pay child support on time. Be mindful not to berate the other parent or talk negatively about the court order. It is helpful to stay positive and appreciate the time you have been given to spend with your children.

How can I begin services with A Family Legacy?

We accept referrals from many sources including courts, OAG, CPS, and attorney's offices. You can refer yourself by calling our office or visit our website and send us your information under the "contact us" tab. You can also send us your referral directly to One of our trained professionals will contact you, if requested, or the referral to discuss their case.

When can I begin services?

Services may begin once the enrollment process and family orientations are complete. The enrollment process is not complete until both parties and all children of age have completed their intake interviews, provided all required documentation, and paid their intake fees.

What geographical areas do you provide services?

We provide services in the following counties - Bell, McLennan, Hill, Falls, Milam, Coryell, and Lampasas. Other areas available contingent upon staff availability.